Anita - smart reusable stainless steel packaging

A standardised white-label solution for packaged food in the supermarket

Regional infrastructure from the start

Verfügbarkeit von Circolution

The eco-radius

From public data on the water and beer multi-use system, we know that within a certain radius, reusable packaging is ecologically advantageous over single-use packaging. That’s why we first build our infrastructure regionally.

Ökologisches Wirkungspotenzial

"Die Wiederverwendung spart natürliche Ressourcen und bringt erhebliche Vorteile für die Umwelt."
Lasst uns zusammen die Welt ein Stück verbessern.

One-way vs. reusable packaging

Circolution uses reusable packaging wherever it makes sense – but only then. We have compared the ecological impact of our reusable packaging with the impact of relevant comparative packaging, e.g. made of glass and plastic.


no savings potential

1 product lifecycle


can save approx. 36 kg of glass

80 product lifecycles

If the stainless steel cup is filled, sold and washed about around 5 times, the ecological impact is the same as that of comparable, disposable glass packaging. However, the stainless steel cup can go through the reusable cycle another 75 times, eliminating the need for 75 disposable glass packages. In this way, Anita can save approximately 36 kg of glass over 80 lifecycles.

 * This data is based on full lifecycle assessments carried out in-house by circolution. It clearly show that our reusable solution can outperform relevant single-use comparators, both glass and plastic. An independently verified lifecycle assessment will be available in the course of 2023.

Our client story

“Tenete ergo quod si servitus quae natura liber, et aliena tua tunc impeditur. Dolebis, et turbabuntur, et invenietis”

Jonah Jeschkeit

Business Owner

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