About us
We have created a solution that makes a massive contribution to waste reduction

Circolution has been working on the reusable solution since autumn 2019. Since then, we have had hundreds of conversations with experts as well as consumers and tested dozens of prototypes. “We founders met at Futury, the Frankfurt incubation programme and have built a partner coalition of circolution leaders.” Max Bannasch, CEO of circolution GmbH.
No company can build a reusable system alone. Our customers and partner companies ensure that processes in filling, logistics and return as well as cleaning and inspection are safe and automated.
Development hours
Retail chain
participating brands
technical partners

National & regional
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Our customers and partners

The Founding Team

Alessandro Marchiaro
Co-Founder & CFO
Focus on financing and both environmental and financial evaluation of the system
Do you have a question for the team? Feel free to write us!
We look forward to receiving your enquiries and suggestions!